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Tipe-Tipe Mahasiswa IPAI yang Perlu Kamu Ketahui Sebelum Lulus Kuliah

The Five Most Popular Types of IPAI Student

Departement of Islamic Education (IPAI), like other majors, has various kinds of student that are influenced by some factors such as their cultures, personalities, as well as environments. Here is an explanation, particularly for first-degree students, about the five favorite types of IPAI student. The purpose of this article is to provide the information that students of IPAI are not monolithic.

1.      1. The Nerd
Some IPAI students love reading so much. For them, reading is a fundamental necessity. Then, we be able to devide them based on their sex. The boys are prefer to read the complex topic such as philosophy and thought books whereas the girls are prefer to enjoy romance novel reading. 

Beside that, we can observe that the nerds are more prominent than others in classroom. Even, when common students just to be a listener (on discussion section) the nerds can argue with each other concerning certain topic. Bro Surya Dinullah (2010), Bro Ridwan Hidayat (2010), Bro Hasan (2011), Panji (2012), Ogi (2012), and Mujia (2013) are grouped into this place.

2.      2. Activist
There are students who love to gather and join the association. Not only are they discuss something important, but they also create a real program. Actually, all of IPAI students are activist because as early as he or she becomes a campus student, the seniors have driven them to BEM HIMA (Student Association of IPAI). 

However, the true activist is not only contributes him/herself in BEM HIMA, but they are also “surfed” in the other organizations. Like a nerd, an activist is often invited as a speaker by communities. Bro Ahmad Faqihuddin (2010) is categorized in this type because he became a head of Student Association of IPAI, chief of Student Association of UPI, and chairman of KAMMI of UPI.

3.      3. Businessman
The third kind of IPAI student is a businessman. Unfortunately, because of the fact that they are such a busy person, they can not as active as the other students on dealing with student organization. Also, he/she do not have times to read a book like the nerds. But they will make a time to follow business seminars and competitions. 

Offering many things from foods to clothing, they do it everywhere and everytime enthusiastically. Beside that, they also offer the services like printing and designing. Bro Alan Maulana (2010) and Sendie (2013) are classed in this type.

4.      4. Righteousman
Some IPAI students, who are called IPAI Garis Lurus (Right Path IPAI Student), can be a good representative of IPAI major. They do a good deed and spiritual action. For instance, he/she is used to reciting-memorizing the Koran, doing sunnah prayer (Duha and tahajud), and fulfilling sunnah fasting. 

We can see this kind at Rosyid (2013) who always helps the students and lecturers as well. Another example is Rizka Rudiansyah (2012) who became a Head of Tutorial Program because of his justified personality. Similarly, Bro Anom (2010) and Ghufron (2014) are ordered into this type.

5.      5. The Competition Hunter
The last type is the students who like the competitions so much. For them, participating the tournament has many advantages. Not only it increases our ability, skill, and self-confidance but also it opens the relationship among the competitors. So far, there were so many competition that they have done (poetry, speech, short story, football, etc). Irfan ilmy (2012) is one of them. 

So, what is your type?


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